
我們的輔導員擁有豐富的輔導資歷和實踐經驗, 定能成為伴你成長的協助者。


始創合夥人, 首席心理輔導員
The positive effect of being able to share in a safe and non-judgemental space is so powerful in counselling – and Perspection is the perfect setting for this. My own positive approach has been built up over twenty years of personal and professional counselling experience.
With a depth of experience that comes from twenty years of working in international teams, I realise how important first interactions are for building confidence – and this is the foundation for counselling too. My desire to understand my clients is driven by building this confidence.


Perspection根據廣泛的標準來挑選我們的團隊。除了專業資格, 我們的輔導員亦擁有多方面的生活練歷 -- 包括如何面對實時高壓力工作環境、多元文化背景、頂級教育的領導經驗、財務取證分析、青少年發展策略、婚姻及家庭溝通問題等等, 涵蓋層面廣泛。 即使他們有可能未曾直接遇到過閣下所面對的問題, 也會擁有相關工具來幫助你應對挑戰。
We only truly heal when we feel safe. And it's my privilege and joy to create safe, welcoming spaces for people to courageously meet themselves. Rather than avoid or run away from what challenges us in life, when we have the right tools and support, I believe that any difficulties are doorways to personal and professional healing and growth. My toolkit includes meditation, breathwork and mindset coaching, as I like to work with the mind and body, for an integrated approach to leaning into life's challenges.
始創合夥人, 首席心理輔導員
The positive effect of being able to share in a safe and non-judgemental space is so powerful in counselling – and Perspection is the perfect setting for this. My own positive approach has been built up over twenty years of personal and professional counselling experience.
Justin adopts an integrated and collaborative approach to help clients make sense of their lives and determine methods that help them adapt to challenges they are facing. He adopts therapeutic models such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) together with clients to craft a personalised process that makes sense and feels achievable to them. The problems that clients face often feel all consuming and it's imperative for coaches / counsellors to bring perspective through their support, and identify the small steps that can move clients in a direction that instills self belief, thereby creating momentum and a virtuous cycle of change.
Do you repeat the same destructive patterns, behaviours, emotions and thoughts? Do you feel shame? Is your appearance causing you distress? Do you find yourself quick to anger? Do you think you're hard to love? I can help you discover why you are the way you are, and teach you the tools you need to live a happier life. We can understand how your past influences your present and future, build your self esteem, break those maladaptive patterns of behaviour and thinking, and learn protocols to defeat the negative thoughts in your head. I'm solutions focused so you'll get real tools and protocols to aid in your progress. I provide individual and couples counselling. I provide treatment support for body dysmorphia disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. I also treat interpersonal & relationship issues, dead bedrooms, insecure attachment, break ups, family of origin issues, low self esteem, people pleasing and assertiveness training, body image, anxiety and depression. You don't need to do this on your own, and it isn't hopeless. Imagine a world where you don't feel like this anymore. One where you can counter self-sabotage and destructive thoughts and behaviours. One where you know your self worth. It is possible and within your reach. I'm here to help.
Every client comes with unique motivations and events that have led them to seek support. Some proactively seek for themselves, some after trying many avenues, others still are prodded into action by the people or environments around them… Any path you take which brings you to counselling is okay because you got there. I aim for all my clients to feel accepted and positive in where our efforts will go together. You shouldn’t feel overly analysed but rather, listened to and empathised with. I may direct you toward some new insights or understandings that resonate or just offer the freedom of a cathartic rant if that’s what you need right now. We may even share a laugh together at times and that’s okay too. I have worked in education and mental health for more than 20 years, 13+ of those as an ‘international person’, gathering experiences from many cultures and broadening my perspectives. I’ve navigated the stresses of a personal, familial and professional life and through this come to 3 basic understandings: We need to belong… We need to be understood... We all need a guide sometimes...
Sophie, a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®, is known for her personalised and goal-oriented approach to financial counselling. With extensive experience in non-profit, consulting, and wealth management, Sophie combines the Money Coaching Institute Framework with evidence-based protocols to provide tailored guidance to each client's unique needs. Motivated by her own journey, Sophie is dedicated to helping individuals overcome financial denial, anxiety, or stress and cultivate financial confidence for a prosperous and fulfilling life. Clients can expect a professional and empathetic approach from Sophie, receiving the necessary tools and guidance to achieve financial goals and enhance overall well-being.
I specialise in individual counselling for adults, children, and teens struggling with all forms of anxiety, loss, and change. My clients are typically living in a state of stress and survival and are trapped in cycles of fear, overthinking, and self-doubt. If this sounds familiar, I can help you to feel safer, calmer, and more self-assured. Whether you are struggling with thoughts of not being good enough, a sense of purpose and meaning, relationship issues, parenting, career-related challenges, school and studies, grief, or other life transitions, I can help you find hope and a way forward. My therapeutic style alternates between holding space to facilitate the processing of emotions and a solution-focused approach according to the individual’s needs and preferences. I seek to empower my clients by equipping them with practical tools and coping strategies that allow them to regain a sense of control and better navigate any challenges that life may bring.
人生既美好,同時也很難,人在旅途的各種複雜性,每個人的生命故事、情感,及其人生選擇和當中的艱難,不得不讓人學習謙卑下來。 對我而言,可以陪伴某人走在自我探索的路上,讓他們也許可以更真實,更真誠地去生活,是一份莫大的信任和緣份。 無論找我傾談的人帶着什麼問題而來,我自覺對他們的一份責任,是為他們創造一個溫暖、開放、讓其備受接納的氛圍,讓來找我的人,可以真誠地面對自己的感受、困難、 渴望和脆弱。 真誠面對自己,談何容易。 但這也是我的信念 - 真誠可以為我們帶來清晰、勇氣,及願意承擔的責任感。
作為一位心理治癒師,我深信每個人都擁有內在資源可作改善身心健康。我的臨床經驗幫助過客戶克服各種挑戰,包括成癮、焦慮、憂鬱、自尊、悲傷、人際關係、育兒和婚姻問題。在一個保密和支持性的環境中,我提供指導、洞察力,並促進開放的溝通,幫助客戶了解自己和他們的行為模式。通過運用不同的治療方法,如正念、解決方案導向療法、敘事療法、內部家庭系統療法、認知行為療法和接受與承諾療法,我幫助客戶獲得洞察力,解決衝突,並促進成長。我精通英語和粤語,並能用普通話進行對話。 憑借18年的指導和啟蒙經驗並作為兩個年輕成年人的母親,我專注於運用心理動力學原理促進洞察力和心理成長。我理解到對於從未嘗試過輔導的人來說可能會生畏。然而,邁出這一步便展示了你的勇氣,並引領你走出當前的處境。尋求幫助證明了你的堅韌。正如馬丁·路德·金曾經說過:”帶著信心邁出第一步。你不需看到整個樓梯。只需走上你的第一步。" 記住,在這個旅程中,你並不孤單。我在這裡支持你。讓我們儘快交談吧!
本人相信透過發展正念、自我接受及包容和改變思維模式, 以追求積極正面的改變。 我曾協助求助者處理焦慮、抑鬱、生活職業轉型、各類艱難決定、自我價值和歸屬感等問題。 在輔導中, 我主要使用 ACT、CBT 和動機式晤談, 但具體形式取決於個別需要而定。
本人是一名在香港出生的雙語(英語,廣東話,普通話)心理輔導師及心理治療師,為青少年、成年人、情侶/夫婦 及家庭提供服務。 在2017年開始心理輔導及心理治理的工作之前, 我曾在本地大學工作超過25年。 本人採用以人為本的方向為求助者進行心理諮商,同時重視「平衡」對精神及情緒健康的重要性。


幾乎所有Perspection的輔導員都擁有莫納什大學(Monash University)的輔導碩士學位——這是心理健康領域中最受推崇的研究生資格之一。 當然, 學歷不就是一切。 當你與我們的輔導員接觸後, 便會發現我們更強調輔導員的經驗。 作為一個團隊, 我們相信客戶的信心和參與度是成功的重要指標(研究也證實了這一點)。 因此我們希望為你提供最好的機會, 讓你根據現實的知識做出正確的決定。


希望閣下能滿意我們的輔導服務。 許多客戶也曾分享過他們的正面評價, 我們亦樂意與你分享這些經驗以供參考。 選擇輔導員是一個重要的決定, 因為你需要十分信賴他們的引導。 我們承諾將盡力為你匹配團隊中最合適的輔導員, 與你一起實現目標。

我們有信心地說, 你將在 Perspection 獲得香港最好的服務 – 畢竟, 我們的聲譽取決於你的滿意度。


秉承相互支持的理念, Perspection所有輔導員都必須定期參加內部指導培訓 (即接受資歷較深的同事輔導)。 正是這種作為一個團隊對彼此的承諾, 將 Perspection 與其他個體同業區分開來。